Friday, February 28, 2014

"Where Have All the Flowers Gone"?

Great song by Peter, Paul and Mary. Think I'll have to include that in "Dewey's Greatest Hit Volume III"
What a winter!!! Went ice fishing in 65 below wind chills, smashed up my truck on black ice and then drove to Texas to get out of the cold. Oh, they had a huge ice storm while we were there and we even lost power where we were staying. Uffda!! At least we got to spend a week with good friends, more on that later.
The DNR has a formula by which they gauge winters and how that effects game populations. The numbers are off the charts. The locals tell me this is the worst winter since 1992 and since I was hunting up here then, I remember it well. I'm guessing it will be bucks only up here as they expect a large number of deer to die because of the cold and snow depths. The wild turkeys are being hit hard as well. I hunt in southern Wisconsin so should be OK down there but we also have a license for up here. Hopefully there will be some survivors.
Cody and I still manage to trudge out to do a little walking in part of our woods. We have been jumping a grouse now and then. Grouse actually like deep snow so maybe I'll have to do a little bird hunting this fall, or maybe do some fall fishing. Once I get all my trail cams out I'll have a better idea as to what I'm faced with up here.
I mentioned our friends in Texas. PeeWee just this last year received a kidney from one of here sons. She was on home dialysis for the longest time and has had some serious health issues because of her failing kidneys. Though at some time I will post it on Facebook, I did want to mention that because of her, I have signed up to be an organ donor. I don't know who would want any part of me but once I'm gone, why should I care? I had her send me an organ donor magnet sticker which I will place on the tailgate of my nice, fixed up truck. I normally don't advertise or promote things but this is important. It costs me nothing but maybe I can help a person or persons once I am gone.


  1. Man you guys have had a reeeally bad winter. My daughter told me there is no place to put the snow from the driveway any more.

    Regarding dear, come on down to VA. They are like rats down here. The DNR will let you take as many as you want, male of female.


    1. Be careful what you say..... I know the way to VA. Got any wild pigs??

  2. Organ donor, I have had it on my drivers license since the beginning. No use letting it all go to rot! I have a friend in Eau Claire who I call the "bone collector". He's one of the guys that "removes" all the stuff that is still good, once they get your high value items! Interesting to talk to and definitely told him that if he runs across me sometime, smile knowing I'm helping to the very end. See you Friday.

  3. I'm so thankful for you and all that will donate. Not only do you save lives, but you make such a huge difference in our quality of lives while we are here...a HUGE difference. Again, I, for one, am so very appreciative!

  4. Your weather up there has sure made the national news! You seem to have left some behind here in Texas! It's 26 ° and still dropping!
