Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 27th, 2001

Eric,  You were, and are, and always will be my hero... Love Dad

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Deer Camp - 2014

This year was looking to be a tough one. Due to the cold and snowy past couple of winters, it was bucks only this year. Plus the season started as late in the month as was possible.
Weather is always a factor up here and this year was no different. We had over a foot or snow the weekend before the opener but fortunately the deer were still moving. The rut, as always, was over but that's just the way it is up here.
I keep four trail cameras going most of the year and have been watching this one big buck for a long, long time. Saturday late in the day, John nailed him. He was about ready to shoot a spike when he saw this guy trailing him. He made a nice shot and fortunately he went straight down. Fortunately as he was the biggest deer we've shot off the property and it took three guys to drag him out to the pickup.
After the other guys left Monday, John and I butchered him and spent the next three nights in our stands. We agreed only to shoot if we saw a big buck but all we saw were a couple of does and a fawn. Hopefully this winter won't be as tough on the deer and turkeys.
I'd like to do some late season grouse hunting with Cody but will have to see what happens with the snow depth. Slogging through deep snow is something I used to do but no more.
Though I could bow hunt for bucks until early January, I've put the bow away as well. Don't need to shoot any more deer and don't know how I'd get one dragged out if the snow was too deep for my ATV. Oh well.......

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Man and His Dog

It's been a tough fall for bow hunting. Bucks only, and they seem to sit in front of my trail cameras when I'm not hunting or at night. The rut is on so maybe still..... I did have a bear under my stand two different nights. Glad he decided to leave before dark so I could make my escape as the sun went down.
Been out sitting in the rain a couple times and noticed this morning that a big system was coming through and this PM hunt would be a bust. So, I decided to grab the shotgun and do a little grouse hunting with Cody. He did a great job working last Saturday when Walker was here but we didn't even get off a shot. I did jump one bird and Cody found it and retrieved it, dropping it right at my feet. It was his first retrieve. After that he was like a cruise missile looking for more birds. We didn't jump any more but we had a great time. In fact, he refuses to take his afternoon nap. He's camped out by the back door wanting to go at it again. I think he'll keep me young.
Back to bow hunting tomorrow. It's gonna start getting colder with a chance of snow this next week. Hopefully that will keep the deer moving and put those ^^$%$&^ bears into hibernation!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall Hunting

It's been kind of a slow start to the fall hunt. Haven't seen much for deer while bow hunting and can only hope the bucks start moving as the weather starts to cool. Still, a slow day in a tree stand still beats working.
I posted previously about my start to turkey hunting. Could have shot a jake early on but was hoping for something bigger and didn't want to end my season so soon.
After a weekend of snow and high winds, yesterday seemed promising. The sky cleared and it was still windy. Turkeys seem to favor fields during high winds so it seemed like a good day to try and find a gobbler. After working out, driving to town, making a few phone calls and walking Cody, I headed out in the woods. Got set up at 10:30 and this gobbler wandered by around 11:00. There's a bit of a story that goes along with this kill but too long to post. I'll save it for my hunting buddies when they come up this fall. (gee I bet they can hardly wait).
There's been a few grouse around so Cody and I will do some wandering over the next couple weeks. Gotta love October.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

It's Fall - Time to Hunt

Six weeks ago, I didn't think I would be saying those words. I won't go into details but those of you who know me, know the story. So,with a fairly high degree of certainty that I would be able to hunt, I bought my fall turkey license and deer bow license.
Both seasons opened last Saturday and I spent the opener in the Cities visiting with my grand kids. Hunting could wait....
Went out this afternoon and had this hen and jake within 18 yards. Either one was legal but I let them go. The jake was the perfect size for my turkey fryer but the season is young and he wasn't that big of a bird. I've got two months and if I don't get one, so be it. I'm just grateful that I can walk through the woods under my own power.
A buddy will be here tomorrow and after brushing a few stands, we'll do some bow hunting. It's bucks only this year but that's OK. Again, just to be in the woods......
There's a few grouse around and another buddy will be coming up to chase them around later this fall. I'll let Cody hunt with us and see how he does.
It's gonna be a good Fall.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A New Beginning......

After last winter, I didn't know if anything was going to survive. I do have a doe with twins that I'll probably post on Facebook and just discovered that I've got a whole boatload of little turkeys running around our meadow. Hard to believe any turkeys could have survived our winter but they did.
Went fishing this morning. My neighbor asked if I would take her and Damen out fishing in Al's boat. They really didn't know how to run it and it's been sitting idle for almost 2 years. So.... fishing we went. We only fished for an hour and a half but picked up a half dozen real big crappies and some nice sunnies as well. It was tough being the captain of my buddy's boat. Al and I had so many great days fishing together. Unlike hunting, when you are fishing you get to talk. And, talk we did..... Damn I miss those days in the boat.
When we got back, I showed Damen how to clean fish and I left them with a few meals for the freezer.
The only constant in life is change.... Think I'll go take a walk.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Return to Long Lake - Volume IV

My fishin' partner Mike and I have been going back to our old stompin' grounds since 2011. The wives decided to stay home this year so, as I often do, I decided to expand our little foray. John, my buddy Kurt and my old neighbor and good friend Jim and his son Jason joined us this year for our annual pursuit of crappies. As always, the fish cooperated and we pulled our limits in crappies and caught many, many nice sunnies as well. I'm guessing we each boated over 200 fish.
I've been going up to that area for over 40 years. Funny how the time flies by. How long will I keep doing this? Well, I've reserved a cabin for next year and as long as I've got guys willing to make the trip, I'll keep on a going up there.
Next week it's a local lake with a neighbor boy. Fishing won't match Long but that's OK. As long as the guy in the boat with me is having a good time, I'm having one as well.